The Grow Credit card can only pay for monthly subscription services directly to your subscription companies. It should not be used with external payment processors.
Grow’s internal systems are trained to recognize subscription services by allowing charges from specific subscription providers. When you attach a Grow Credit card to an external payment processing system or payment agent like Apple Pay, our system cannot recognize the charge as part of our approved subscriptions list, even if it has been used to purchase a subscription that would otherwise be allowed.
If you’re having difficulty with payments being declined, please make sure that your Grow card has been added to the subscription provider’s billing page and that you are not using any third-party payment processors.
Please note, if you add your card as a payment method with an external payment processor, it may be charged for other purchases. Because external payment processors are not supported subscription providers, charges may also appear in your Grow Credit account with an incorrect item description, like Pandora or Disney Plus.